Nov 10, 2014

Himem.sys and emm386 errors

Missing either himem.sys or emm386.exe

Verify that both himem.sys and emm386 are present on the computer by typing the below commands at the MS-DOS prompt.
cd windows
dir himem.sys
dir emm386.exe
If, when typing dir for either the himem.sys or the emm386.exe file, you receive a message file not found, first verify that the file was typed in properly. If it appears that you have typed in the command properly it is likely the file is missing. Either of these files can be copied from another computer or bootable floppy diskette.

Autoexec.bat or config.sys have conflicting data or programs causing this issue

Memory managers or other TSRs can have conflicting information and cause himem or emm386 errors. If you have Windows 9x or above, rename those files by typing the below commands.
ren autoexec.bat
ren config.sys
Once the files have been renamed, reboot the computer to see if issue persists. If issue persists, skip to next section.

If you are running Windows 3.x or MS-DOS 6.x or below, boot the computer step-by-step to verify if a line in the autoexec.bat or config.sys is causing your issue. To do this, as the computer is booting press the F5 key when you see the message Starting MS-DOS. You should be prompted to say Yes or No to load each line. Load each line until you get the error.

Once the error is determined, edit the file with the line that caused your error and temporarily remark that line. Additional information about the autoexec.bat and the config.sys and how to remark the lines can be found on our autoexec.bat and config.sys page.

Himem.sys or emm386.exe are corrupt

The files may be corrupt and causing the memory managers to load improperly or not at all. Replace these files with a known good himem.sys and emm386 by copying the files from a bootable floppy diskette or copying from another computer. Ensure that before these files are copied over to the computer experiencing the issue that the himem.sys and the emm386 files are deleted first.

Memory in computer is bad or corrupt

If you have completed all of the above recommendations and continue to experience the same issues, you may be experiencing a memory issue. To determine this, boot from a known good bootable diskette that loads the himem.sys and the emm386.exe files.

If, when booting from this floppy diskette, you experience the same errors, it is likely you have a hardware issue, either with your computer memory or your motherboard. In this case we recommend that the memory be replaced or that the computer be taken to a local repair store for examination.

If, however, you are able to successfully boot from a bootable diskette it is likely there may be another software or hardware related issue. We recommend that you erase all information on the hard drive and restore the operating system.


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